How to Make Money on Kindle Without Writing? 4 Best Ways

I am sure you know many people who are making money on kindle without writing books. Now you are wondered that how to make money on kindle without writing

I am sure you know many people who are making money on kindle without writing books. Now you are wondered that how to make money on kindle without writing? Well, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform offers some great opportunities to earn passive income without having to be an author.

In this article, I’ll explore a few clever ways to leverage Kindle to create multiple streams of passive revenue without needing to be an author or writer.

Let’s have a deeper look!

How to Make Money on Kindle Without Writing: Step by Step

Kindle Direct Publishing, commonly known as KDP, allows anyone to independently publish a book on Amazon and make money. Unlike traditional publishing, you retain full rights over your books and can earn up to 70% in Amazon KDP earnings.

Although writing for Amazon and publishing your own books is the most popular way authors make money, KDP offers a few sneaky backdoors to extract value without needing to produce any written content yourself.Here are four ways perfect for how to make money on kindle without writing:

  • Selling printable journals, notebooks and coloring books
  • Using Amazon’s Kindle Short Reads program
  • Promoting products as an Amazon Associate to earn commissions
  • Publishing public domain books

The rest of this post will explore each of these in more detail, equipping you with actionable tips to build your own passive income streams.

Selling Journals and Notebooks on Amazon

By creating useful and aesthetically pleasing interiors, you can earn royalties on monthly basis.

One of the easiest ways to make money on kindle without writing is to create journals to sell on Amazon. There is consistent demand for journals, planners, notebooks and more on Kindle. 

By creating useful and aesthetically pleasing interiors, you can earn royalties on monthly basis.

Types of Journals That Sell Well

I did a in depth research to find the most selling Journals. I found Bullet journals, gratitude journals, password logbooks, planners and sketchbooks are some of the most profitable types of journals exploiting this Amazon loophole right now. 

I also encourage you to do some product research to find further gaps and opportunities about hot selling journals.

Tips for Creating Quality Interiors

As per my experience, interior design is major factor for a successful selling journal. Therefore, I suggest you to ensure pages are printer-friendly and high quality while designing interiors. You can Use borders, numbered pages, inspiring quotes and images to make interior more impressive. 

You can use free templates from Canva or Kindle Publishers to design clean, modern layouts. I am damn sure that these tips will result in professional looking journals that earn consistent Amazon royalties through KDP.

Utilizing Amazon’s Kindle Short Reads Program

If writing isn’t your forte but you still want to make money on Kindle, Amazon’s Short Reads program is perfect option for you. 

Short Reads allows you to publish shorter length eBooks between 5 to 45 pages and get premium royalties. By outsourcing content creation, it’s an excellent hands-off business model to generate passive income.

What Is Kindle Short Reads and How Do They Work?

Kindle Short Reads Launched in 2021, fills a gap in the market for quick, high-quality reads under 30 minutes in length. Amazon promotes Short Reads across Kindle apps, driving traffic and sales. 

As a Short Reads author, you earn 50% royalty on books priced between $0.99 and $4.99, significantly higher than the standard 35% rate offered by Amazon’s secret royalty program. This additional income combined with the massive built-in market makes Short Reads exceptionally lucrative.

Research Profitable Niches and Topics

You need to find a niche and underserved topics to maximize Short Reads earnings. Additionally, you can research categories like self-help and hobby instruction guides to uncover profitable opportunities with this Kindle loophole.

Outsourcing Content Creation

I suggest you to outsource Short Reads content creation to keep costs low. Sites like TextBroker and Upwork offer experienced freelance writers to produce quality short format content affordably allowing you to sell eBooks without writing them.

Making Money through Amazon Associates

Another way to make money on Kindle without writing is through the Amazon Associates program.

Another way to make money on Kindle without writing is through the Amazon Associates program. By sharing affiliate links and driving traffic to Amazon products, you can earn lucrative commissions, commonly between 4% to 10%.

Signing Up for Associates and Getting Links

Getting started is free and easy. Just create an Amazon Associates account and get access to product links and marketing tools to start making money on Amazon KDP

Additionally, You can use link building plugins and apply to associate programs in niche sites like Books to maximize relevance.

Driving Traffic to Earn Commissions

I suggest you to promote Amazon products across platforms like niche blogs, YouTube, and social media to drive maximum traffic. You can drive interest and clicks with useful content to increase conversions and unlock bigger commission checks.

Building an Audience for Long-term Rewards

I always like long-term earning plans. You need to focus on providing genuine value around Kindle and Amazon via your content to build your audience for long term. The recurring sales can become quite lucrative.

Additional Money-Making Opportunities on Kindle

If the ideas I presented above still don’t appeal, don’t fret. Kindle offers a few additional opportunities perfect for how to make money on kindle without writing books.

Sell Coloring Books, Puzzles and Games

You can upload Activity books like coloring books, puzzle books, crosswords and more to KDP without needing to write anything. 

You just need to have creative graphic design skills or you can outsource creation. Additionally, add relevant keywords to rank well and profit.

Creating How-to Guides Around Your Skills

If you have expertise as a photographer or artist, create handy how-to guides and tutorials around your skills without writing much yourself. You can outsource some or all writing tasks and keep focus on high quality images, designs and graphics to sell eBooks without writing them.

Releasing Public Domain Books

Public domain books can be republished if you give them a new spin. You just need to edit and format freely available literary works legally to give them mass appeal.


The options to Amazon KDP earnings are certainly plentiful, and I presented some of the handy option with you. Go ahead and explore some of these innovative paths to succeed without having to be an expert writer or author. Kindle empowers anyone with good ideas to profit from books – with or without writing them fully yourself.

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