Our website address is: https://theinfoknob.com.

Privacy Policy for TheInfoKnob

At TheInfoKnob, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This policy explains how your information is collected, used and disclosed by TheInfoKnob.

Information We Collect

We collect two types of information from visitors:

1. Information you choose to provide voluntarily. This includes information you submit via contact forms, newsletter signups, comments, forums and other means, such as your name, email address, or other details you choose to include.

2. Information automatically collected. As you navigate TheInfoKnob, we use common tracking technologies like cookies to collect anonymous data about visitors. This includes information about pages viewed, links clicked and sites visited before interacting with our site. This data does not identify users personally.

How We Use Information

We use both types of information for the following purposes: 

  • Respond to requests or inquiries
  • Communicate via email newsletters, updates and more 
  • Optimize website performance and customize your experience
  • Administer any promotions, surveys or site features
  • Troubleshoot technical problems
  • Analyze site traffic and usage patterns 

Moreover, this Non-identifying information helps us to improve our site content and also visitor experience.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We do not sell or rent your personal details to third parties for marketing or any other purposes. Information may only be shared with external parties when we believe release is appropriate by law, such as to comply with regulations.

Non-personal information may be provided to other parties including site analytics services to assist with traffic analysis and performance optimization. However, this never contains identifiable user details.

Third Party Sites and Links

Our website may link to external sites not operated or controlled by us. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party websites. We encourage users to be aware when leaving our site and to check site privacy policies accordingly.

Children’s Privacy 

Our website doesn’t contain any age specific or age sensitive content. Therefore, there is no separate policy for age specific group. Additionally, we do not knowingly collect any personal data from children.

Changes and Updates to Privacy Policy

We update this privacy policy from time to time as our website evolve over time. Therefore, we encourage you to periodic review of this page to have updated privacy policy.

Cookie Usage

Cookies are small files stored on your devices while browsing websites. We utilize both persistent and session cookies to understand how our site is used and provide users with a tailored experience. You may disable cookie usage via your browser. However, disabling cookies may impact site performance and negatively affect your experience.

Updating Your Information

You may access, correct or update any personal information we collect by emailing us at [email protected]. Additionally, you may also unsubscribe from email communications or newsletters at any time.